One of the best parts of the festival is giving (and receiving) gifts. But what do you do once the celebration is over and you have a bunch of holiday wrappers left over? Well, you can take a page from Olivia Mears and turn the old wrapper into beautiful clothes. Garment manufacturers in North Carolina have been making wrapping paper into beautiful robes for years. This is a form of recycling that can be completely abandoned.
Olivia Mears combines fashion avant-garde with savvy recycling to give holiday wraps a charming new life. After her first holiday, wrapping paper Cheap Long Gown Dress became a virus and Mears decided it was destined to become an annual tradition. Since then, she blows away her social media fans with an unconventional, unconventional paper packaging design every year.
Her holiday wrapping paper dress is amazing – it’s also deceptive. At first glance, you never expect them to make a few bucks out of what you buy at the pharmacy. However, Mears makes unforgettable dresses by carefully applying flash, bows, and plenty of tapes. No wonder these images are spread every year.
Do not be misunderstood: these recyclable Cheap Long Gown Dress are a love of labor. Mears is in every detail to make sure everything is perfect. And all her hard work is worth it.